- About us
About us
A Message from Management
Since its establishment in 1936, Tosoh Quartz Corporation has been providing the world with high-precision silica glass (quartz) products. With advances in technology, our quartz products have been adopted for a wide range of new applications and are now indispensable for the manufacturing of semiconductors, optical cells, and LCD and OLED panels. In recent years, our products have been used in medical diagnostic instruments and for aerospace applications as we have further expanded our activities.
Tosoh Quartz is a member corporation of diversified chemical manufacturer, Tosoh Corporation. Working closely with their Advanced Materials Division, we have combined forces with our Tosoh partners to establish a reliable system for supplying high quality quartz products. This includes everything from the manufacturing of quartz materials to the processing of finished quartz products. Currently, we have four domestic production bases in Japan, and overseas operations in Taiwan, Korea, the U.S. and U.K. We deliver high quality products and services through Tosoh Group’s global sales network.
In order to meet the demands of an increasingly diversified market, we are continuously striving to rapidly develop new products, promote innovative production technology, and strengthen our supply systems as we work to provide new value, win our customers’ trust and create a prosperous future. We ask for your continued support and encouragement in the years to come.
Corporate philosophy
Creating a prosperous future through hard work and innovation
Management Principle
All employees to display the highest level of professionalism while always seeking new challenges.
All group companies in every region to pool their wisdom in a collective effort to add new value to our products.
Fulfill our corporate social responsibility by producing quality products and ensuring overall safety.
Respond proactively to ESG (environment, Social and Governance) challenges.
President, TOSOH Quartz Corporation
July 1, 2022